That on Himself such Murd’rous Shame Commits
Shakespeare, sonnet 9
A single missed chance defines the shoes someone wears
A mirror erases the need to carry on a two-way conversation
A juvenile delinquent snatches purses inside the 50 year old man
A chin patch and a too-tight t-shirt do what they can to help
A broken promise joins the others and tells an unfunny joke
A house turned inside out equals bad pictures passed off as art
A breakfast and a few phone calls do not buy a prom dress
A pair of high-top sneakers would tell all if allowed to talk
The ending is uncertain but will no doubt be one of getting even
The message came in garbled and carried with it the unexplained
The mean-spirited nickname suited well and yet still wasn’t enough
The missed chance and the mirror equal a man who drives a toy car
The nothing that he was is the nothing that he is when he starts to talk |