Villanelle: Fortune Cookies Happiness is next to you. Stop searching forever. At least a horse knows its way back to the barn. You're an angel. Beware those who collect feathers. Keep your feet on the ground though some flatter. Ideas are like children: yours always wear the crown. Happiness is next to you. Stop searching forever. Your life will change when you receive a certain letter. Today it will rain. It will just come down. You're an angel. Beware those who collect feathers. You are welcome always and seven is your lucky number. Friends long absent will come around. Happiness is next to you. Stop searching forever. Use your charm to make things better. Tomorrow you will encounter a sad-faced clown. You're an angel. Beware those who collect feathers. Avoid all those clad in leather. Let the horses go back to the barn. Happiness is next to you. Stop searching forever. You're an angel. Beware those who collect feathers. |
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