The 2River View 17.4 (Summer 2013)


John Guzlowski has work in Exquisite Corpse, Ontario Review, and Writer’s Almanac. Lightning and Ashes is a collection of poems about his parents’ experiences in Nazi concentration camps. His novel The Germans is forthcoming from Cervena Barva Press. contact

Taylor Graham is a volunteer search-and-rescue dog handler in the California Sierra. Her poems have appeared in The Iowa Review, The New York Quarterly, Poetry International, Southern Humanities Review, and Villanelles (Everyman’s Library) and California Poetry: From the Gold Rush to the Present. contact

Kip Knott is the author of four collections of poetry, the most recent being Afraid of Heaven (Mudlark). His poetry has most recently appeared in Four and Twenty and Right Hand Pointing. contact

Katherine Mitchell holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Missouri—Saint Louis. She works professionally as an Alexander Technique teacher and teaches Argentine Tango at Washington University in St. Louis with her husband, Michael. contact

A. Molotkov has had poems recently accepted by Kenyon Review, Mad Hatters Review, and Word Riot. Molotkov serves on the Board of Directors of the Oregon Poetry Association. He co-edits The Inflectionist Review. contactwebsite

Dave Nielsen studied English at Brigham Young University and is currently a PhD student at the University of Cincinnati. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Parnassus, Ploughshares, The Southern Review, and other magazines. contact

Andrew Oerke has had poems in The New Yorker, The New Republic, Poetry, and numerous other magazines. In 2006, African Stiltdancer and San Miguel de Allende were published jointly by Swan Books and the United Nations Society for Writers and Artists.  Subsequently, Oerke received the United Nations Literature Award.  His most recent collection is Never Seek to Tell Thy Love (2010). Oerke passed away in early May.

Suzanne Parker is an editor at MEAD: A Magazine of Literature and Libations. Viral, winner of the Kinereth Gensler Book Award, is forthcoming from Alice James Books in September 2013. contact

Andres Rojas came to the U.S. from Cuba at age 13. He holds an MFA. and JD from the University of Florida. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in, among others, Barrow Street, Cossack Review, Massachusetts Review, and the New England Review. contact

Megan Volpert is the author of four books on communication and popular culture, most notably about Andy Warhol. She has been teaching high school English in Atlanta for the better part of a decade. The poems printed here are forthcoming in Only Ride (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2014). contact

Steven Winn is a San Francisco writer whose poems have appeared in Able Muse, Antioch Review, Cimarron Review, Florida Review, Poetry East, Prairie Schooner, Southern Poetry, Verse Daily, and elsewhere. contact

Photos from the BALM

Silver Lake SunriseMichigan StairsSilver Lake Sunset
