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Red Eyes




Wendy Taylor Carlisle lives quietly in East Texas with her husband and dog. Her books include Reading Berryman to the Dog (Jacaranda Press 2000) and After Happily Ever After (2River 2003). Her poems have appeared recently in Ghoti and The Montserrat Review.

Scott Bailey lives in New York where he's pursuing his MFA in Creative Writing at New York University and working full-time at Curtis Brown Literary Agency. His poetry has been published in Adirondack Review, The Cortland Review, Southeast Review, and Verse Daily. Other work is forthcoming in The New York Quarterly.

Peter Berghoef lives in Holland, Michigan. He holds a BA in English and enjoys poetry, darts, and beer.

Regina Coll is a nurse educator living in Silver Spring Maryland. Her prose has appeared in Mothering Magazine and regional nursing publications. She is also the author and webmaster for the Bathroom Poetry Project in Washington D.C.

Weston Cutter recently moved from the Midwest to New York City. His poems appear in Beloit Poetry Journal and Verse Daily. He writers, "Dear Jamison: I win."

Jolia Sidona Einstein holds an MFA from the University of Florida. She lives with her finance and their cat in Santa Monica California, where she teaches English at Santa Monica College.

Joel Friederich teaches writing and literature at the University of Southern Illinois in Edwardsville. His poems have appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, The Paris Review, River Styx, Witness, and elsewhere. His manuscript of poems, In the Valley of the Tongue, has been a finalist and semi-finalist for numerous national book competitions.

Meridith Gresher writes frequently in her blog Talking to Grief. Her poetry and flash fiction appear in FRiGG Magazine, The Journal of Modern Post, and in the forthcoming debut edition of Blast.

Clark Holtzman lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He has two chapbooks, as well as poems in Antigonish Review, Eleven Bulls, Negative Capability, and Redchina Magazine. The poems in this issue of 2RV are from the manuscript Just Looking, Thank You.

Mark Jackley is a business writer by day whose poetry has appeared in journals such as Alba, California Quarterly, Evergreen Review, The Paumanok Review, and Poesy. He lives in Annandale, Virginia, with his daughter and their two cats.

Martha Serpas is a native of Galliano, Louisiana, and author of Cote Blanche (New Issues, 2002). You can listen to her read three poems from that collection at the New York Times. Serpas's recent poems appear in Image: A Journal of the Arts and Religion, The New Yorker, and Passages North. Her poems in this issue of 2RV are from The Dirty Side of the Storm (forthcoming, W. W. Norton, Fall 2006). Serpas teaches writing and religion and literature at the the University of Tampa.