About the Author
Lenny DellaRocca, the founding editor and co-publisher of South Florida Poetry Journal (SoFloPoJo), is the author of two full-length collections of poetry and two chapbooks. His work has appeared in 2River, Fairy Tale Review, Hawaii Pacific Review, Laurel Review, The Meadow, Nimrod, POEM, and The Seattle Review, with other poems forthcoming in Cimarron Review and Slipstream.
A note about the ePoems
These came about organically. When I noticed how some poems were taking the shape of an E more or less on their own, I began shaping them consciously. I simply like the way it looks on the page. I began to use the form as a constraint. I made rules- there must be the same number of lines above the long middle line as there are below it. I try (but don’t always succeed) to make the middle line a turn or associative leap. I am very aware that the lines may not break where they might “normally” break in order to form an E. But the shape and how it looks on the page is more important than where lines are “supposed” to break. One can’t hear lines breaks when a poem is read aloud anyway. And one more rule—except for a few exceptions (none in this collection) E poems must end on the first page. There’s more I could say about them, but I’ll leave it there for now.
Lenny DellaRocca
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South Florida Poetry Journal
About 2River
Since 1996, 2River has been a site of poetry and art, quarterly publishing The 2River View and occasionally publishing individual authors in the 2River Chapbook Series. 2River is also the home of Muddy Bank, the 2River blog.
Richard Long, Editor
ISSN 1536-2086
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