The 2River View 20.4 (Summer 2016)

New Poems By

Jo Ann Baldinger
Taylor Bond
Matthew Scott Freeman
Guiseppe Getto
Alex Greenberg
M. Nasorri Pavone
Carlos Reyes
Jane Stephens Rosenthal
Danielle Sellers
William Waters
Wendy Wisner


Photography by Sarah Katharina Kayß

Deadpan Inferno by James DeebAfter the Fire by James DeebTable of Days by James Deeb

Sarah Katharina Kayß is an internationally published photographer, blogger and poet. She is winner of the manuscript award of the German Writers Association (2013) for her poetry and essay collection Ich mag die Welt, so wie sie ist (Munich, Allitera, 2014). Kayß edits the bilingual literary magazine The Transnational and is currently a final year PhD student in the War Studies Department of King’s College London.

Copyright 2River. Please do not use or reproduce without permission.