The 2River View 16.2 (Winter 2012)


Bonnie Arning is pursuing an MFA in poetry from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, where she is the managing editor of the Blue Mesa Review. 

Caitlin Jackson works as a technical writer in Orlando, Florida, and is also pursuing her MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Central Florida.

Judy Katz-Levine is the author of When The Arms Of Our Dreams Embrace (Saru 1991), Ocarina (Saru 2006), and When Performers Swim, The Dice Are Cast (Ahadada 2009).

John McKernan has retired as a comma herder after teaching 41 years at Marshall University, where he continues to edit ABZ Press. His most recent book is Resurrection of the Dust

Andrea Mehaffie recently graduated from the University of Tampa with a degree in writing. Her work here at 2River is her first publication.

Adam Peltz lives with his wife Ashley Miner and their cats in New Orleans. His publishing credits include work in A Bad Penny, Literary Magazine Review, NOLAFugees, and Platte Valley Review.

Bertha Rogers is the author of Heart Turned Back (Salmon Poetry). Her translation of Beowulf was published in 2000; and her translation of the Anglo-Saxon Riddle-Poems is forthcoming.

Robin Scofield is the author of And the Ass Saw the Angel and the forthcoming Sunflower Cantos. Other poems appear in The Mas Tequila Review, New Border Writing: A Still Life in Words, and The Warwick Review.

James Valvis is the author of How to Say Goodbye (Aortic Books, 2011). Other poems appear in Anderbo, Arts & Letters, Midwest Quarterly, New York Quarterly, Poetry East, Rattle, River Styx, and Verse Daily.
Jason M. Vaughn has published, or has poems forthcoming, in Big Muddy, I-70 Review, Green Hills Literary Lantern, The Little Balkans Review, and The Same.

Tracy Youngblom is the author of Driving to  Heaven, (Parallel Press, 2010).  New poems are forthcoming in New York Quarterly, Ruminate, and Weave magazine.

Photography by Brent Pallas (see also his 2011 2River End of the Year Card)


Brent Pallas lives and works in New York City as a craft and home decor designer. contact
