Kathleen Balma is a Fulbright Fellow. Her poems have appeared in various literary journals, including Crab Orchard Review, Mid-American Review, storySouth, and Puerto del Sol.
Belline Chao will soon be featured in an anthology celebrating the work of Weldon Kees. Her poems now appear in Askew, Connotation Press, Mosaic, and The Packinghouse Review. She is currently pursuing an MFA at the University of North Carolina — Wilmington.
Tova Gardner has twice received Artist Grants from Vermont Studio Center. Her poems are published or forthcoming in The Adirondack Review, Blue Fifth Review, New Vilna Review, and Word Riot. Gardner is poetry editor of The Arava Review and Binge.
Howie Good is the author of numerous chapbooks and two full-length collections: Lovesick (2009) and Heart With a Dirty Windshield (forthcoming from BeWrite Books).
Zachary Greenwald lives in New York City. “Present Tense” is a sort-of sequel to “The Sleepwalker’s Wife,” which first appeared in the Summer 2006 issue of The 2River View.
Paul Hostovsky is the author of Bending the Notes (2008) and Dear Truth (2009), both from Main Street Rag. His poems have been featured on Best of the Net, Poetry Daily, The Pushcart Prize XXXIII, The Writer’s Almanac, and Verse Daily.
Mary Moore is the author of The Book of Snow (Cleveland State University, 1998), and her poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Field, Literary Mama, Negative Capability, New Letters, Nimrod, Poetry, Prairie Schooner, and Sow’s Ear Review.
Erika Moya, a Los Angeles Native, attends the MFA program at the University of North Carolina — Wilmington. Her poetry and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Holly Rose Review, Le-Pink Elephant Press, Qaartsiluni, and UNSAID Magazine.
Melissa Mutrux lives in San Diego, California, where she writes poetry and fiction. Her most recent work appears in Bear Flag Republic: Prose Poems and Poetics from California and San Diego Poetry Review.
Michelle Valois lives in Western Massachusetts with her partner and three kids. She teaches at a community college. Her work has appeared in the Florida Review, Brevity, Fourth Genre, and others.
Gabriel Welsch is author of Dirt and All Its Dense Labor and the forthcoming An Eye Fluent in Gray. Recent work appears in Chautauqua, PANK, Southern Review, and West Branch.
Ann Zoller has poems in Bryant Literary Review, Coe Review, Croton Review, Georgetown Review, Negative Capability, Nimrod, Poets On, Webster Review, and Xanadu. She is also the author of Answers from the Bowing Moon and New Pony on a Carousel. |