About the Authors
Mark Edmund Doten has flash fiction in Mudlark, New York Magazine, The Potomac, Userlands: New Fiction Writers from the Blogging Underground (Akashic Books), and Word Riot; and forthcoming in Exquisite Corpse.
Ava C. Cipri has an MFA from Syracuse University, where she served on the staff of Salt Hill. She now teaches at Duquesne University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in New Zoo Poetry Review, Whiskey Island Magazine, and Wild Violet, among others.
Antonia Clark is a medical writer in Winooski, Vermont, with recent poems in The Orange Room Review, Pedestal Magazine, Rattle, Stirring, and elsewhere. She co-administers an online poetry forum, The Waters, and plays French café music on a sparkly purple accordion.
Michael Flanagan was born in the Bronx, New York, and raised in the New York metropolitan area. Poems of his have appeared in small press periodicals across the country.
Richard Garcia is the author of The Persistence of Objects (BOA Editions, 2006). His poems have recently appeared in Crazyhorse, The Georgia Review, and Ploughshares. Garcia is the recipient of a Pushcart prize and a contributor to Best American Poetry 2005. A chapbook of prose poems entitled Chickenhead is forthcoming from Foothills Press.
Angela Hume will soon hold an MFA in creative writing from Saint Mary's College of California. Her work has appeared in The Berkeley Poetry Review, Flyway Literary Review, and The Portland Review.
Michael Maggiotto lives with his wife in Muncie, Indiana, where he works at Ball State University. His poetry has appeared previously in Big Bridge and Red River Review.
Michael K. Meyers teaches at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago. His fiction and audio work have appeared in Chelsea, Chicago Noir, Fiction, Mad Hatter, The New Yorker, and Word Riot. A CD of his flash fictions, Once Again Doctor Freud's Horse Has Gone Missing, is available on Amazon.
Evan Nagle lives and works in Seattle, Washington. His poems are published or forthcoming in Cranky, DMQ, Fence, Seneca Review, Verse Daily, and elsewhere.
S. Thomas Summers teaches writing and literature at Wayne Hills High School in Wayne, New Jersey. He is the author of two chapbooks: Death Settled Well (Shadows Ink Publications, 2006) and Rather, It Should Shine (Pudding House Press, 2007).
Joseph Wiinikka-Lydon holds a Master of Divinity from the Harvard Divinity School, has worked in Bosnia, Turkey, and Kenya, and now lives in central Massachusetts. He has been nominated for a 2008 Pushcart Prize.
Art © 2008 by Jackie Skrzynski
Beamish Boy |
Boy Napping with Bears |
Cold Comfort |
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