2. Scared by the Dark


Je Ne Comprends Pas

A Real Nice Poem
About The Moon


'night Mother

Six o'clock: Live With Jesus

Happy Talk

The Hook Man

The Man Who Would
Steal Happiness


and that one jesus christ longhair liberal
in the spotlight he don't look right to me
get him up against the wall

then flips station reeling slightly in spins
and headspins watches an endless array of
television gizzum
images distorted in the height of the
room and the thinness of the air
cocaine cocaine sex burn out 8 ball
junkie mainlining hot janes a
mind is a terrible thing to
waste product multi media
hip hop

vietnam baby

knocked up some whoring american red light
kong bitch trick
lover niece sister Mother-your Son


2River Crossing My WordsScared by the DarkThe Killing MachineCover