Jalapeno Jorge

David Zvanut is a painter and sculptor
living in Commerce, Texas.

The 2River View
6.1 (Fall 2001)


Wendy Carlisle lives in East Texas, land of Budweiser & boviculture. Her book, Reading Berryman to the Dog, is available at Amazon.com and from Spring Church Books, 800-496-1262.

Laura Hartman lives with her family in Roopville, Georgia, where she pursues her career in an academic library and spends her time writing, reading and generally enjoying herself.

Romana Iorga has published two books of poetry in Romania. She now lives and writes in Atlanta, Georgia. This is her first publication in the United States.

Elizabeth Knapp is a graduate of the Bennington Writing Seminars and is Associate Poetry Editor of Pif Magazine. Her work has in The Drunken Boat and The Amherst Review.

Ann Neuser Lederer has recently appeared in Cross Connect, Brevity, The Blue Moon, and National Forum. She works as a hospice nurse.

Walt McDonald has published nineteen collections of poetry and fiction, including All Occasions (Notre Dame). His poems have been in journals such as APR, The Atlantic Monthly, First Things, London Review of Books, New York Review of Books, and Poetry. He is the 2001 poet laureate of Texas.

Mark Melton currently resides in Melbourne, Australia, although various fragments of himself have been known to surface in certain parts of Europe and the United States. Apart from writing, he dabbles in web design and edits 3rd Muse Poetry Journal. His hobbies include playing computer games, procrastinating, and writing about himself in third person.

Allan Peterson has poetry in The Marlboro Review and Three Candles, with new work forthcoming in Fine Madness. He is a recent recipient of fellowships from the Florida Arts Council and the National Endowment of the Arts.

Matthew W. Schmeer edits Poetry Midwest and is a Writing Tutor and English instructor at St. Louis Community College. His poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Crab Creek Review, The Hawai'i Review, Jabberwock Review, Poetry Motel, Potomac Review, and Salt Fork Review.

Leonore Wilson has published in magazines such as Quarterly West, Laurel Review, California Quarterly, and Five Fingers Review. She teaches creative writing at Napa Valley College.

